
Laverov N. P., the Academician of the RAS, vice-president of the RAS (Moscow) — chairman
Avrorin E. N., the Academician of the RAS (Snezhinsk)
Alekseenko S. V., the Corresponding member of the RAS (Novosibirsk)
Cherny G. G., the Academician of the RAS (Moscow)
Dgemilev U. M., the Corresponding member of the RAS (Ufa)
Eğrican N., professor (Istanbul, Turkey)
Fomin V. M., the Academician of the RAS (Novosibirsk)
Fortov V. E., the Academician of the RAS (Moscow)
Ganiev R. F., the Academician of the RAS (Moscow)
Grigorian S. S., the Academician of the RAS (Moscow)
Ilgamov M. A., the Corresponding member of the RAS (Ufa)
Ittekkot V., professor (Bremen, Germany)
Kakaç S., professor (Ankara, Turkey)
Kozlov V. V., the Academician of the RAS, vice-president of the RAS (Moscow)
Mustafin A. G., the Academician of the ASRB (Ufa)
Nakoryakov V. E., the Academician of the RAS (Novosibirsk)
Nigmatulin B. I., professor (Moscow)
Niver E., prof. (New Jersey, USA)
Shammazov A. M., the Academician of the ASRB (Ufa)
Taleyarkhan R., professor (West Lafayette, USA)
Yadigarogly G., professor (Zurich, Switzerland)
Yunusov M. C., the Academician of the RAS (Ufa)